We Do What We Can: MDMX Film Promotion
Film illustration & post-production commission...

Main illustration
Early 2017 I was approached by Max, a producer and founder of MDMX to create some promotional material (illustrations) for a short film the company was working on; We Do What We Can directed by Kwaku Awuku-Asabre. I was found via Soundcloud of all places because I am very active on that platform as I love music and my profile picture was of my Somewhat Childish illustration piece. (TIP: make your brand known everywhere, you never know how opportunities may find you.)

Experimental illustration
I was commissioned to produce 3 illustrations that captured a few main characters and some key shots of the film. I approached this project similar to my personal ones by identifying what were the aims, important factors that had to be included and what visual language would be most appropriate. I conducted research by assessing production material made available to me so I could study the feel of the film and character's details. I then selected around 10 concepts I could draw up and agreed with Max which ones would be the most powerful and singled the ideas down to 3.
From there, communicating with Max and Kwaku, drawings and ideas were revised whilst I also gathered research for background details so I could build the virtual landscapes. After that, I then started piecing the drawings together in Photoshop rather that drawing the illustrations as one flat image which allowed me to edit components if needed.

The raw and rough sketches of the main characters
The Illustration at the top is one of my favourite pieces to date because I was able to manifest the vision I had for it and was pleased with the outcome. Although I personally think the rest of the illustrations could have been stronger, I believe I delivered something special and learnt a lot through the process. The finished 3 illustrations will also be distributed as posters and postcards for supporters that contributed to the Kickstarter campaign. I loved the project and was very excited to see the film so if you would like to know more about it's progress as well as see the trailer, visit here.